FFT Lightning Squad
From £25 per pupil if tutoring is provided in school. From £125 per pupil if a FFT Tutor delivers the sessions.
This is linked to the National Tutoring Programme.
FFT Tutoring with the Lightning Squad is a reading tutoring programme where pupils work in small groups with a tutor to improve their reading skills. The tutoring is a blended approach with face-to-face tutoring supported by an online tutoring platform. The tutoring activities are designed and structured to improve reading skills, fluency, comprehension, spelling and phonics. Pupils work through 65 specially written, engaging and illustrated stories. Pupils will work with a tutor for six weeks to catch-up their reading skills, with daily 30-minute tutoring sessions in school. Research has demonstrated that pupils using Tutoring with the Lightning Squad make learning gains of between 3 and 5 months in reading attainment.
All pupils take a short online reading assessment at the start of the tutoring programme to help the tutor and class teacher decide which groups of pupils should work together and at what point in the programme they should start.
Online reports are provided for tutors, teachers and school leaders which monitor pupils’ progress and reading attainment. The reports include the new words learnt, reading age, reading fluency and a measure of reading progress. FFT’s tutoring reports will help schools to monitor the impact of the tutoring on pupils’ reading skills and development.
Size of school | Price |
Half form entry | £500 |
1 form entry | £900 |
2+ form entry | £1,400 |
FFT Tutor for six weeks to deliver tutoring to 20 to 60 pupils | £7,500 |