Zip – from £235 for a Site Licence

Decoding – £1440 for a typical Primary School Additional modules can be added & tailored to your needs.

ReadingWise comprises of 5 independent modules. Each module supports a different aspect of learning to read. Choose the modules to suit your school context – or speak to one of our team for guidance.

See below for information.

Zip is an adaptive learning programme for children aged 5 – 7 learning to decode.

  • It uses adaptive learning via algorithms to understand how secure a pupil is in relation to a letter/ word-sound correspondence.
  • Zip has proven to be particularly beneficial in schools with EAL pupils where it can also be used to support the school’s home engagement strategy.

Delivery: 5-10 minutes sessions a day – at school or at home. Supervised by one trained member of staff.

Decoding is a powerful literacy intervention module.

  • It starts by assessing a learner’s reading age, then creating a carefully structured, personalised learning journey.
  • Learners work through blends, progress through common endings, words and sentences using a variety of innovative approaches to unlock reading.
  • Decoding starts with letter sound recognition and progresses through every four-syllable word in the first 3 Harry Potters.

Delivery: 20-25 minute sessions 3-5 times a week. Supervised by 1 trained TA working with 10 learners.


Free demo available: