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Online maths resource for all, not just SEND children. The format includes:

Lessons: MyMaths provides hundreds of lessons paired with self-marking homework tasks for practice and to assess understanding of the lesson content. Lessons and homework tasks are matched to all UK curricula.

Interactive lessons provide step-by-step examples to break down learning into manageable chunks. Lessons cover Years 1 (P1) to 6 (P7) and can be used by children of all abilities at school and home.

Homework: Homework questions are randomly generated to provide limitless practice and instant marking provides immediate feedback for pupils and teachers. Results can be seen within the MyMaths Teacher Dashboard, with a traffic light system which allows teachers to see, at a glance, whether a student is on track to reach their goal.

Booster packs for targeted assessment: Booster packs provide extra practice for specific areas for improvement, target key areas of the curriculum in preparation for national tests, and are ideal to use for summative assessments. Pupils can work through these independently or teachers can assign them through the Teacher Dashboard.

The website has some sample lessons & homework tasks to view.