KiVa Anti-bullying programme
Training is facilitated by BEP.
KiVa is designed for children in Year 3 – Year 6. It focuses on working with the onlookers to disempower the bully, as well as working with parents.
The programme is designed to be completed over an annual cycle:
March/April – staff training
June – pupil online survey
September – Kiva Launch via assemblies
September to March – Kiva programme taught in school. There are 10 units to cover throughout KS2, which overlaps with the PSHE curriculum.
Time allocation can be 1 x 90 minute session per month (a Kiva afternoon) or 2 x 45 minute sessions. From unit 4 onwards the children have access to online games to support their learning at home. Schools are encouraged to maintain momentum between home & schools by adding information regarding Kiva on the newsletter or via social media.
April – post Kiva programme survey to measure impact.
Following the pupil surveys, the school will receive reports outlining the results. Previous trials have shown that there has been an improvement in attendance following the successful adoption of the Kiva programme. The programme also involves training up pupils to be Kiva champions to monitor incidents and support during break times.