£3,275 + VAT for 25 licences for 1 year


Reading Plus is an adaptive, online reading development programme.  It develops reading fluency, stamina, comprehension, and vocabulary. 

Pupils first sit an assessment that identifies their current level of reading proficiency and places them at the just-right level on the programme. They then self-select fiction, non-fiction, and informational texts from eight high-interest categories and practice their understanding by answering ten comprehension questions. These questions target the pupil’s knowledge and the skills of inference, retrieval, summarising, and use of language. To develop fluency and stamina, pupils will see texts presented using the patented Guided Window – an adaptive tool to support reading efficiency.

Reading Plus automatically marks answers, providing instant feedback to pupils and reports for teachers on pupil progress. Detailed reporting evidences progression and provides question-level analysis data.

If you would like to take a more in-depth look at the programme, you can take an interactive tour using this link:


In terms of costings, subscriptions start at £3,275 + VAT for a targeted intervention and go up to £15,150 + VAT (for a 4-form entry school using the programme for 3 years). We would be happy to discuss this on a school-by-school basis, to ensure the most cost-effective option was provided. Here is a link to Louise’s diary, should anyone like to discuss in more detail:-
