Hornet book £14.50 or 10 books for £135
Word Wasp £23 or 10 books for £220
Easy to use, step-by-step, colour-coded, instructions throughout the Wasp & Hornet books. The books are designed for anyone with reading and spelling problems, children diagnosed as dyslexic or needing to learn English as a second language. This literacy intervention programme can be delivered one-to-one by learning support staff, parents or volunteers. The Hornet book is for 5 years+ & the Word Wasp is for 7 years+ Both texts are literacy manuals in their own right, but the Hornet’s slower pace covers a narrower area in a more in-depth way to give primary or struggling students that good phonic start which has been missing from many schools for many years. It is an ideal text for Primary Schools. The Hornet overlaps The Word Wasp and this is taken into consideration in the Wasp marking system. The overlap fast tracks students into the Wasp Programme. The Hornet broadly covers Key stage 1 and beyond.